we miss you MJ!!

Its never late to make a post for Michael Jackson the legend, the king of pop!
I have many personal memories from my childhood connected with MJ..he was the only english performer i knew at that time. When i was staying in flat my neighbour JP chettan, who was an ardant fan of MJ..had the hit songs collection..used to play it loud often,and dance to it for us :) and when i was in final years of school, i used to borrow casettes from my friend Zubin and play it at home. and then later during college time i collected his tour videos from a CD shop, and still have those videos in my collection..
Now I've no contacts with JP chettan, I don't live in that flat anymore, Zubin is in the US. Music lives with memories..as we can recollect those old moments we have enjoyed with those tunes.
Michael, you still live in our heart with those memories!